Driveable Endwalls & Sloping Headwalls

Driveable Endwalls & Sloping Headwalls

Driveable and Sloping Endwalls are designed to withstand vehicle loading in order to reduce the likelihood of an accident in the event that a vehicle driver over the endwall. They are typically installed in location where a low profile batter exists close to roadways.

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Products Description Quantity Quote Request
HEDP0300 1B
Drivable Endwall to suite 300mm dia pipe - 1 Bar
HEDP0300 3B
Driveable Endwall to suit 300mm dia pipe - 3 Bars
HEDP0375 3B
Driveable Endwall to suit 375mm dia pipe - 3 Bars
HEDP0450 3B
Driveable Endwall to suit 450mm dia pipe - 3 Bars
